Constestants were selected at random. If you were lucky enough to be selected, you were summoned to the stage for a little meet and greet and a speed round with four other conestants.. There were few that impressed us. One girl totally blew it.. and there were several that were too "Price is Right."
And whatever you do, don't say you like to sing and/or dance.
There is no guarantee you made the show.. even if you were picked to be on stage and/or won the puzzle.. you have to have all the qualities "THEY" are looking for.. sort of like getting into Duke University.
On the bright(er) side.. if you weren't called up on stage, you still have a chance to make the show, just not a very good one..
Wessers wasn't selected.. but we're anxiously awaiting a ringy dingy from Pat or Vanna soon :)
This is the only pic I have (from my super awesome BlackBerry Bold 9700), the whole point of waiting this long to post this post (ha!) was to have pictures. I guess they're on my camera?
The Stage.. the wheel spins and the letters are dry erase boards.. so cool! |