
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Full Of Ideas

What up party people! 

No workout yesterday, because I've been sick, I'm pretty sure last night was the worst.  Tuesday night/Weds morning, I woke up at 3:48am, drenched in a cold, clammy sweat.  Nothing pisses me off more than sweating while sleeping.  NOTHING.  So, I toweled off, put on dry clothes, and was forced to sleep on the OTHER side of my bed.  The side that no one I don't like.  I was very skeptical, but the rest of my slumber turned out to be pretty successful.  I also have this weird thing with sweating, well, it's completely normal to me... I refuse, hear me? REFUSE to touch anything, put on anything, wear anything, sit on anything that I've already touched, put on, worn, sat on while sweating/being sweaty... follow?  So, I slept on the OTHER side of the bed, again, a little more willingly than the night before, and I woke up in a cold, clammy sweat AGAIN.  But there was less, yet still so disgusting.  So, now what.  I have to sleep on a sweaty bed.  I ended up justifying to myself that the middle was still "safe".  Today's lesson:  Try the other side of your bed.

Tonight, Granger and I are seeing The Lion King at The Fox!  WOOOO!  We know all the words to the songs.  Obvi, we're obsessed with the Disney movie, and even more obvi, I'm totally getting a t.

Hakuna Matata!

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